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Choose Small Pack Walks! Here's Why!



Small pack walks are an excellent way of keeping your pupper fit and healthy, allowing them to burn off pent up energy, while also providing them with stimulating experiences to interact and receive affection from their fellow species besides the humans they love so dearly. At Wandery, we walk no more than 4 dogs per walker to give your pups the gift of adventure!



Socialisation, enrichment and play


Socialization is super important for your pup’s development and overall well-being, hence it is crucial that your pup learns how to socialize in a safe and curated manner. Within a small pack we can ensure that the pups are well-matched according to temperament and energy level, ensuring socialization and play is always a positive experience for everyone. Small pack walks allow pups to socialise under close supervision and care, eventually learning to handle social situations with more freedom, like at a dog run or at the beach.



Safety & supervision


I think we can all agree, the more dogs there are, the harder it is to keep them all safe from dangers if any arises. That is why having a small pack on walks will allow each pup to be closely supervised and receive individual attention. 



Teaching moments & mentorship


With a small number of pups assigned to each walker, we are able to capture and reinforce wanted behaviors performed by your pup. Like, looking at a  passing wild rooster instead of reacting to it. Small pack walks can also offer your pup the opportunity to be mentored by an older or more experienced pup that can help to show  them the ropes of whatever they’re working on.




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